Justin Urbanek - Notable Projects

Notable Projects

Milestones and Creative Achievements

Kauz Website

The Kauz Website was a project to redesign the website of Kauz Informatik Medien AG. I helped with the implementation of the design.

Magical Imagery

Magical Imagery was a pilot project as part of a module in my apprenticeship and was meant to simulate how to plan and implement a real project. It is an online shop for photography and art, aimed at creating a simple platform for artists to sell their works.

Blazor Templates

The Blazor Templates are a small collection of templates for Blazor web projects. They are intended for developers looking for a quick and easy template for their projects.


In 2022, three colleagues and I participated in the Young Talents Hackathon, organized by UMB AG and ICT-Berufsbildung Zentralschweiz. We were supposed to develop a vacation planner for the employees of HSLU.


As the name suggests, the Scavenger Hunt is a scavenger hunt app. This small app was developed by me and two colleagues as part of an inter-company vocational training course.

Powershell Word-Header replacer

The Powershell Word-Header replacer is a small script that a colleague and I developed in our first year of apprenticeship within 3 days. The goal of the script was to replace the headers and footers of Word documents with those of another document.

Mongo Python

Mongo Python is actually called Jukebox and is a final project for a module, developed by a colleague and myself. It is a small web app that can play music and store the music in a MongoDB.

2024 Justin Urbanek